Publication of your paper on IEEE Xplore

Dear authors of ICEPE-ST 2019 paper,

This is important announcement for publishing your paper on IEEE Xplore. Please follow the instructions and finish the submission of the revised paper until Oct 25th, 2019.

Before we accept your paper, we will check the paper style request to rewrite again. It may take time, please finish the first submission as soon as possible. Before the deadline of Oct 25th, the final paper should be accepted.

Be noted that the paper should be presented at the conference to publish in IEEE Xplore.

STEP 1: Revise your paper
  1. Revise the paper following the comments from editorial reviewer.
    - The comments list is uploaded the ICEPE-ST site:
    - URL will be announced by e-mail.
  2. Adjust the style of paper following the ICEPE-ST2019 template.
    Template can be downloaded from
    The paper should be written by following the style in the template of ICEPE-ST2019.
    It is necessary to keep the quality of the proceedings on IEEE Xplore.
    If the style is much different from the ICEP-ST2019 template, we have to delete the paper from the final proceedings.
    The main styles that LOC requests as same as template are bellow. Please check your paper.
    1. Use headline style capitalization in title, the major words of the title are capitalized like “Sample of Paper Title”.
    2. Keep the bottom margin of 25 mm, even footnote is used, especially on first page.
    3. Email address of corresponding author should be written under affiliation, and only written an e-mail address and asterisk to indicate the corresponding author like “*”. Do not write like “E-mail:”, “Corresponding author is”.
    4. Font size of table and figure caption and references is 8 pt, and that of main text is 10 pt.
  3. Request for rewriting the authors name with full name.
    The template is using initial for the first name. Using the full name is more suitable to know the authors properly.
    “A. M. Lastname” is to be changed “Firstname M. Lastname”
    Don’t use capital style for lastname, for example Firstname LASTNAME.
STEP 2: Check the IEEE Xplore compatibility of PDF

Use the IEEE PDF eXpress tool to check the compatibility.
Conference ID: notified by e-mail

  1. Access the above URL and create user id from “New Users – Click here”.
  2. Login with your ID and upload your paper from “Create New Title”.
  3. In the box “Enter Title Info:”, please write your paper id of the proceedings before paper title; ex. “A-1-1 My Paper Title”.
  4. After conversion finished you will receive the email, and then please check the PDF carefully.
STEP 3: Submit the paper to ICEPE-ST 2019

Submit the final paper of IEEE Xplore compatible PDF form IEEE PDF eXpress.
URL: (Same ID created in STEP 2)

  1. If you are satisfied with the converted file, submit it to the conference, click on the “Approve for Collection” link.
  2. [IMPORTANT] on submission, change the file name with the ICEPE-ST 2019 paper id, Author name, First main word of paper title with underscore connection;
    ex. A-1-1_Name_Title.pdf

Finally, do not forget input the Electric Copyright Form (eCF).

Sincerely yours,

ICEPE-ST 2019 Local Organizing Committee

Chair: Prof. Eiji Kaneko, University of Ryukyus
Vice chair: Prof. Yasunobu Yokomizu, Nagoya University